Testnet update: ink. 0 stable release & decreasing storage fees. Dear all,.

02 Mar 2023, 14:48
💥 Testnet update: ink! 4.0 stable release & decreasing storage fees 💥 Dear all, The Aleph Zero team has today released a new version of Aleph Node for the Testnet 10.0, featuring ink! 4.0 stable release of smart contracts, as well as other improvements such as storage fees reduced by a factor of 25. After up to six weeks of testing period (given no major issues are found), we will release this update on Mainnet. Next week, we’ll also release Mainnet version 9.0 with minor improvements and bug fixes that occurred between versions. It’s worth noting that there’s no further version of ink! to wait for before finally launching smart contracts on the Mainnet and enabling developers to deploy their projects on top of the network. 📥 Learn more 🐣 Share and retweet